more of 26k, a other success.. log online
QSL of last dxpeiditon in Cameroon is ready and 70% just send..
186AT/0 QSL
all QSL’s send yesterday ! hope you will receive it soon, 73 Ant 019
Aldo Memorial 2022
all log of Aldo Memroial Special call is online (almost 23 thousand QSOs). you can see if your requiste is arrived and if your qsl send. hope to give you a good service 73 Antonio 019
01 Aldo Memorial
An extraordinary event to commemorate an extraordinary man. In memory of 1AT001 Aldo, creator and founder of G.R.I. Alfa Tango, who will be with us forever.
CQ 11 WW , HQ qsl cards
for the QSL of the AT stations, participating in the CQWW with the suffix HQ, you can request them directly or paypal, for anything please contact me.